Monday, 28 April 2014

 Social and Economic Impact of it


Free Time

Black and white TV

 In old days people spend thier free time on watching black and white TV, and there was only 2-3 channel to watch.
3D or HD TV
 Nowadays people have the option watch the tv in 3D version and have 1000 of channel to choose from. There is many people who spend a lot of free time on wacthing 3D TV.

In old days poeople had one or two telephone over all town and you had to way antill it connect you with the lane.
 Nowadays people spend so much free time on the mobile device to play games, texting, calling, emailing, accessing internet etc. Nowadays ever person have mobile device.
Record players
 In old days people listened to music y using record player , it doesn't contain any electric to power the player, it all powered bymechanism.

Nowadays people use ipods to listened to music and see the music video. It power by electronic device and it can hold many song and it is easy to use.

Local Community

Time Past
 Time Present

Different table games, we played game not using PC or technology.

Playing games on Ps4, online games , single game.

 White Mail Letter Logo

Writing letters to contact friend or family. Not using social media. 

 Using e-mail to contact other people or friends. 

 There was no TV or internet to find out the news, listen radio to find out the news.

 Watching TV to find out news. 
 Going out with your friend and spending time together and having fun, (not using social media).
Using social media to contact with your friends or family and spending more time on social media rather going out with your friend.
In old days they used records to listen to music, and record music on that.
We use CD to listen to music, and we record music on the CD

 Economic Impact

1.   Chalk boards 
1.Interactive board 
2.   People shopping
     2.People shopping online
3.   Companies Traveling 
     3.Companies using Skype
4.   For the doctors not using PC
     4.For the doctors using PC

1.Chalk boards, in olden day’s school used to write the infomation to teach the student in class. It takes more effort and time to use, and also you use chalk to writte the infomation on the board for the student.
2. People when to shopping to buy clothes, food etc. It take more money and time.
3. For people travelling for the work, and spending a lot of money for the tickets. To travel for the business meeting.
4. Information was recorded by hand, and that take a lot of time and use of paper.

1. Nowaday’s we use in school interactive boards to write the infomation and it allows the student draw, show different video and show photos etc. It is new way to teach the student the course they are doing in the college or school or university. It easier to use then interactive boards because we save chalk and effort to draw a pictures or any shape.

2. Now people use internet to buy clothes, food etc. It save money and time and there is many option on internet serves that you can purches this items without leave house.

3. Nowaday's people save money on business meeting or talking to family members by using Skype or team speak to contacts with them. It allows you to see the person and talk to him/she in same time where ever they are as long as they have device who has internet and camera that has skype.
Now day’s business use Skype to make business meeting for saving money and time and travelling.
4. Recorded electronically:
·        Easier accessed
·         Takes up loss space
·         Less time
·         No use if paper

1.Went to shops
1.Online shopping
2.Send letters
2. Text/Email
3. Social media
4.Attend it sports match
4.Watch Tv/Online

1. In olden days people went to shops to by clothes, food and etc. Over all it takes more money and time to go shopping, but it more fun and you can meet up with your friend and also if you are buying clothes you can try it on and see if it fit on you, but you can no do that in when you are shopping online.

2. In olden days people send out letters to other people who live a way from them or also business companies send out letter to communicate with other customers or companies, but It take more time to reserve the letter and it also cost to send out letter to there person or company. 

3. In olden days people needed to meet up to gossip or talk.

4. In olden days people went or attend it sports matches to see the game and support them.

1. Nowaday's people use online shopping. It save money and time and some time you can also have more discount when you are buying online clothing, but when you are buying online you can not meet up with your friend or meet up with new people. 

2. Nowaday's people use email or text on mobile phone to send out information or communicate with other people or companies who are using email to explore their companies to other people to gain more customers.

3. Nowaday's people use social media to gossip and talk to other people.

4. Nowaday's most people watch all the matches on TV or online, because they save money and some people are too laze attend sport matches.



Computers use Electricity, and every second persona own a computer with so many used in home and businesses. It makes a significant to energy consumption and related issues, such as climate change, computer is used in daily bases for different tasks and jobs.

Computer hardware is developed rapidly, there is the problem with how to deal with older computer equipment no longer required. In now days users of computer try to take carry of there own computer hardware and software to save money and help climate, also in now days under these regulations manufactures of electrical equipment are required to provide users who purchase a new piece of electrical equipment with a method of disposing of the equipment that their purchase is replacing.








Legal Impacts  


Copyright refers to laws that regulate the use of the work of a creator, such as an artist or author.
This includes copying, distributing, altering and displaying of creative, literary and other types of work.
Unless otherwise stated in a contract, the author or creator of a work retains the copyright and has the final say on how the work is used.
The copyright is useful if your trying to make money by music, art etc so that no one else can copy you and your talent and your work on the product.
Nobody want's to be accused of plagiarism. One reason is because plagiarism is copying someone else's work and saying it's yours. That is something nobody should feel good about doing.
In simple word I would say that plagiarism is if you take some one else work who has copyright on design and use as it been yours.
Data Protection

The definition of data protection is those make sure your data is secure and save from other persons.

The DPA (Data Protection Act) was passed in 1984.
8 principles of Data protection Act:
*      Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless –

(a) at least one of the conditions in Schedule 2 is met, and

(b) in the case of sensitive personal data, at least one of the conditions in Schedule 3 is also met.

*      Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
*      Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed.
*      Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
*      Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
*      Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
*      Appropriate technical and organizational measures shall be taken against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
*      Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.


Personal information
In old days there was paper-based records, but now days it all electronic personal records and it can be easily transferred, stolen and misused. You have to be careful about your personal information, because some one can steal and use your personal information to access your bank account and so on. Make sure that your personal information is secure, save and no one else can access. 
 Uploading and viewing digital context
When you upload an image or video on internet, remember that these often become available to everyone on the internet, not just your friend or family. When you are applying for a job some employers would search you on internet so that they can see what character you are on social media.
 Respect towards others
It is important to respect the people that you communicate with on social networking sites. Negative or offensive comments can be seen by a much wider audience that you might imagine.

Securing Data



This I a method of changing data type to only be recognized by the creator of the data encryption. For example you can encryption the data on the hard drive of a computer so that if it was stolen the data cannot be read.
You can also use encryption when connection to the internet over a wireless link. This is important if your are sending confidential information so that you make sure that no one accesses the wireless and steal your confidential information.
A firewall is a piece of software that examines all data arriving on your computer or network from the internet and rejects any that break the firewall rules. This can protect the computer from viruses and the hacker accessing the computer and the software. 
Data can be lost or deleted or corrupted, so making regular backups is essential to keep important data safe and you will not lose data.
Secure Sites
When you are accessing bank website or facebook or other important website that you are inserting personal detail. You have to make sure you are using secure webpage. Secure web pages encrypt the data you sending,so that if anyone else  trying intercepts  your webpage and trying to steal your personal information,from this you have to make sure you access the rigth website and be safe that you have firewall on so that no one else can access your computer.


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